Keeping your finger on the pulse
By Sonya Callan
The event game is ever changing and as a result it is up to event managers to keep on top of the changing world and pivot or fall by the way side. Communication as ever is key, and as event planners we need to see that communication tools like blog posts and articles are a simple way of keeping the lines of communication open with your existing and potential clients.
More and more people are finding their news and inspiration from online articles and searching online will be their first port of call for information regarding events and event managers. If you have a strong presence online that is regularly updated then there is a good chance that clients, both existing and potential, will become aware of what you do and your outlook on the events world.
Visibility is not always easy, and as with all industries the events game has its’ quiet times, think January when all of the madness of Christmas is over and the likes of corporate clients are just starting to look ahead and work out budgets for their events. Regular articles and updates on your website and social media channels can help to keep your company at the forefront of the event industry in your area.
So what can you publish that will gather new followers and keep them interested?
“communication works for those who work at it”,
Technology is constantly evolving in all aspects of our lives from how we watch our television to carrying out daily tasks like shopping and banking. New technology is also enhancing the event world, allowing for easier registration and access to events, live streaming of conferences and enabling more guests to attend online. Publishing articles on new technology on your website and social media channels will raise awareness amongst your clients and prompt them to investigate new options for their upcoming events.
We all have our favourite venues, whether it is the location that excites you or the staff and service that ticks all the boxes, so why not share these experiences with your audience. In an age where clients are looking for the unusual and unique venues you might just have the perfect place for them that they would never have thought of using.
Keeping your finger on the pulse, as the title mentions, means your website and articles can be used to discuss topics and issues that are topical at a specific moment in time. In the past year nothing has become more relevant than the change to virtual events, which are slowly becoming hybrid events and hopefully before long full live events. Consistently updating your website and social media channels with updates on the latest ‘hot topics, why not alternate your means of communication and branch out into the world of podcasts, an increasingly popular way to discuss topics which is already being used by some of the worlds top event planners.
Switching between articles styles, between practical ‘how to’ documents and the more informally styled ‘wellbeing’ pieces helps to reach out to different types of audiences. As event planners know, it is not enough to just book the venue, organise some lights and pack a few gift bags. We need to be seen as offering a holistic approach to our event management and alternating between business like articles and those veering more towards the personal side shows how you consider both elements to be equally important now.Keep in mind the quote by John Powell, film composer, “communication works for those who work at it”, use any spare time you have to keep in touch with your followers and watch those relationships grow. Keep in mind the quote by John Powell, film composer, “communication works for those who work at it”, use any spare time you have to keep in touch with your followers and watch those relationships grow.