By Sangeetha Shreekar
It’s time to rise to the occasion of safely returning to the office environment, having the face-to-face interactions with colleagues and much more which has been missing in our life for the past year or so. However amidst the chaos of returning, the organisation and individuals have to re-consider the work-style to continue to restore the work-life balance that most of us discovered during the COVID. The lost commute time, the water cooler catch ups definitely was utilised in few self-love activities like exercise, power naps and more.
While most of us found work from home being more productive, it has been taxing on people who thrive on physical interactions. According to McKinsey research, 80 percent of people questioned report that they enjoy working from home. Forty-one percent say that they are more productive than they had been before and 28 percent that they are as productive.
Across industries, leaders will use the lessons from this large-scale work-from-home experiment to reimagine how work is done—and what role offices should play—in creative and bold ways. There is no one-size-fits-all solution.
However, we have 10 simulating tips on how you as an individual could ease into the routine without being overwhelmed. There is definitely no harm in trying few of the below activities to rev up your energy to get back to your desk:
1) Make coffee runs essential
Don’t forget to pick a cuppa for the colleague to catch up on those missed conversations.

2) Take the stretch
Try out few quick exercises like these to re-energise before you move to the next task on the checklist.

3) Add a morning and evening routine
Add a pitstop/activity before that commute to work. It can be as simple as ‘stop and smell the flowers’ literally and disconnect from work.

4) Keep a non-work book in the office to read from on short breaks
It’ll feel good to not stare at a computer screen for 15 minutes, and a great book can be totally inspiring.

5) Jazz up your work desk with plants
Jazz up your work desk with plants (succulents are best and less needy) or add that memorandum from the last trip you took to look forward to travel again and of course the family or loved ones photo.

6) Spread office cheer
Send a Thank-you note to colleagues with whom you bonded over zoom calls or something you worked on together.

7) Take a break and manifest
Sit at your desk and daydream for 5 minutes on what you want to accomplish career wise, brainstorm with post-it on developing goals to make that dream a reality.

8) Create a Spotify commute list
Create a Spotify commute list and ask your team members to contribute. ‘The worst song’ is a good conversation starter to get back to the coffee breaks.

9) Create a list of local pubs and eateries
Create a list of local pubs & eateries and add a calendar event for the team to catch up over pints on the pay day. Support local while you get to know the local.

10) Pump it up
Pump it up with a quick run or swim during lunch break. Get the adrenaline rush and clear your mind and don’t forget to take a note of the changes around your workplace as life resumes.

“Life as we knew it how it has changed, technology now allows people to connect anytime, anywhere, to anyone in the world, from almost any device. This is dramatically changing the way people work and live, but technology will never fully replace human contact and I know I have missed the Planit team collaboration and social environment around the office.
However, a huge thank you to all the team at Planit who rose to the occasion and showed great strength, resilience and productivity it’s has not been easy on anyone; we look forward to working on some creative and exciting new projects with our clients and keeping balance while we all safely return to the office environment”
Antoinette Redmond
Managing Director, Planit